Tuesday, July 26, 2011

DIY Pre-preschool

Despite the title of this blog, I find myself wanting to have a better plan in place for me and my (just turned) 2-year-old. I love the SAHM thing, but would like to have ways to give my son some of the benefits of a preschool. So I thought maybe it was time to put together some lessons plans or objectives or... well, clearly I'm new to this homeschool thing, so we'll just call them units (or is it Units?). Anyway, I envision a one- to two-week unit based on a theme. For each theme, I will plan activities, gather books and other manipulatives (oooh, that sounds very teacher-esque, doesn't it?), and then... well, I don't know. I'd hate to over-plan it, after all! I'm imagining one activity every day or every other day, based on moods (his and mine), weather, other family activities, etc, etc.
I'll try to post my themes and activities here, along with an appraisal of how things went.
So, what do you think? Have you tried a DIY preschool for your children? What works, and what doesn't?